

Pediatric department of Capital Medical University XuanWu hospital is one of the clinical departments in the hospital, which consists of pediatric outpatient department, emergency department and pediatric ward.

Our department provides medical care for children with common internal diseases and disorders from birth up to adolescence, while pediatric neurology is the characteristic professional subject of our department.

There are 20 beds in pediatric ward currently. We provides an ideal living conditions for inpatient children and their parents with beautiful, neat and clean wards. The pediatric outpatient and emergency department are open 7x24 hours. Specialist clinic services are provided from Monday to Friday and in the morning of Saturday and Sunday.

Based on key discipline of Capital Medical University XuanWu hospital—the neuromedicine, our department cooperate with related divisions including neurology department, neurosurgery department, neurotic electrophysiology and neuropathology department to provide comprehensive treatment of children with refractory epilepsy. We do presurgical evaluation together with neurologist and neurological surgeons for some of these children. Our Multimodality therapy of intractable epilepsy include antiepileptic drug (AED) treatment, ketogenic diet and neuromodulation treatment. Neurobiological feedback and transcranial magnetic stimulation were applied in TIC disorder , ADHD and other neurology disorders.

Our dedicated team is consisted of clinically experienced, responsible specialists, doctors and nurses who wills provide high quality professional services and healthcare for all sick children coming to our department.

Wish all the children and their family good health and a lifetime happiness!